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Carmen Rivero Ramos


More than 12 years of experience in a law firm and more than 20 years of experience as a notary officer.

English language

Marta Gonzalez de Chaves


Double degree in Law and ADE, Master in Business Taxation (Universidad del Atlántico Medio). Experience: Lawyer at Garrigues, commercial department and more than 5 years as a notary officer.

English language

Irene Hernandez Toledo


Graduated in Law. Master's Degree for the Practice of Law and Master's Degree in Business Taxation (Universidad del Atlántico Medio). Experience of 1 year in a law firm and more than 4 years of experience as a notary officer.

English language

Javier Perez Linares

Policies, copies and reception

Superior Cycle in Administration and Finance. More than 15 years of experience in notary offices occupying different positions, especially copyist and policies.

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(*) WhatsApp is exclusively for messaging. Calls are restricted.

(*) WhatsApp is exclusively for messaging. Calls are restricted.

(*) WhatsApp is exclusively for messaging. Calls are restricted.

(*) WhatsApp is exclusively for messaging. Calls are restricted.

Luz Febles Fernandez


More than 20 years of experience in notaries, in the area of reception and translation.

Languages: Bilingual English and Bilingual Urdu 

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Judith Ramirez Dominguez

Management and translation

Law Degree from the ULPGC.  Extensive tax training with the Center for Financial Studies, DAR, Inspectors and Technicians from the Tax Agency, among others. Opponent of the corps of Finance Technician of the State Tax Agency.Master in Taxation  Business from the University ofAtlantic Intermediate, academic year 2020-21. 

For years she practiced as a lawyer in civil, horizontal property and tax departments of different professional firms.  More than 6 years of experience as a tax specialist and notary processor.

Languages: English and Italian bilingual.

(*) WhatsApp is exclusively for messaging. Calls are restricted.

Natalia Zamora Delgado

accounting and management

Graduate in Business Administration and Management and MBA in Business Administration.

Master in Taxation  Business from the University ofAtlantic Medio, academic year 2020-21

Professional experience: More than 4 years as Assistant to Management in a Banking BPO and more than 5 years of experience as an accountant and manager in the notary's office.

English language

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(*) WhatsApp is exclusively for messaging. Calls are restricted.

huangjing lin

copyist and translator

She graduated in tourism from the Complutense University of Madrid and has a master's degree in Hotel Business Management from the Complutense University of Madrid. Chinese is his native language and he speaks perfect Spanish. He worked in a prestigious travel agency in Madrid while finishing his training. She has been a copyist and translator of Chinese at our notary since January 2021.

Language: native Chinese

(*) WhatsApp is exclusively for messaging. Calls are restricted.

Henry Dellien Coca

Copies, legitimations and testimonials

It has a training cycle in Administrative Management. Once he finished his training, he joined our team initially through an internship program in companies and finally he was left occupying the position of copyist. Before staying with us, he worked in the historical archive of the Adeje Town Hall.

(*) WhatsApp is exclusively for messaging. Calls are restricted.

Ana del Camino Herrero Díez

Administration and translation

He has a double degree in Law and Business Administration and Management from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Once he finished his degree, he moved to Paris to complete his training with a Master's Degree in Marketing & Strategy at the University of Paris Dauphine, combining the master's degree with an internship at the Hotel Melía Paris Vendôme. He also has a Master's Degree in Business Taxation from the Universidad del Atlántico Medio. She joined our notary in September 2021, in which, in addition to being a French translator, she performs different functions. 

French language

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(*) WhatsApp is exclusively for messaging. Calls are restricted.

Joseph Peter


Social Graduate from the University of La Laguna. He began his professional career in the administration area of an important hotel chain where he stayed for more than 7 years. In the notarial field, he has a long professional career as a notary officer, specifically he has been working as such since 1999.

Language: English

(*) WhatsApp is exclusively for messaging. Calls are restricted.



He worked as a real estate consultant for a period of time, but his professional career stands out for his extensive experience as a notary officer, which he has been developing for more than 30 years.

Language: English

(*) WhatsApp is exclusively for messaging. Calls are restricted.

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©2023 by Wood Union Technology

Hours, where we are

Jose Yeray Molinillo Suarez



Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Mornings:  9:00 to 14:30
Afternoons: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


monday and Friday

Mornings:  9:00 to 15:00

Phone:+34 922 715 519

Los Pueblos Avenue 20, Local 82, 38660,

San Eugenio, Costa Adeje, Tenerife.

"This page has no commercial purpose. Its purpose is merely informative. If you are looking for general information about the notary, we suggest you"

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