Jose Yeray Molinillo Suarez
Mr. José Yeray Molinillo, a notary by vocation, mother and uncles who are notary public officials, graduated in Law from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where he had the honor of being recognized with the Extraordinary End of Degree Award. Once he finished his studies, he began to prepare for a notarial career at the Notarial College of the Canary Islands and at the Matritense Academy of Notaries, in Madrid. He joined Adeje as a notary in 2015, from which time he has maintained and maintains a continuous training process, not only in the notarial field but in other fields, especially in tax and business matters where a Master's Degree in Tax Law can be highlighted. Business and a program in Business Administration and Management. In an altruistic way, he has successfully prepared young people for the opposition to Notary, all of them obtaining, with a lot of effort and work, their position. In his formative facet, he has collaborated through a Venia Docendi with the University of La Laguna, in the areas of Financial and Commercial Law.

Professional associations and recognitions
Degree in Law from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Extraordinary End of Degree Award
Business Senior Management Program
Expert in Business Taxation
Master in Tax and Business Law from ESCOEX.
Business Administration and Management Program
Venia Docendi with the University of La Laguna
Secretary of the Canary Islands Special Zone, ZEC
Member of the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors
Distinguished Order of Rizal
Extraordinary End of Degree Award
Alba Aula Méndez
Mrs. Alba Aula Méndez, a native of Valle Gran Rey, La Gomera, graduated in Law from the University of La Laguna, where she was recognized with the Extraordinary End of Degree Award. He finished his university studies, and automatically began to prepare for the public examination for the title of Notary Public, which he managed to pass in two and a half years, at the age of 24. She has been awarded the Cross of San Raimundo de Peñafort for her merits in legal studies, and since 2018 she has been a Notary Public and actively collaborates with the General Directorate of Registries and Notaries.

Professional associations and recognitions
Degree in Law from the University of La Laguna
Extraordinary End of Degree Award
Venia Docendi with the University of La Laguna
Extraordinary End of Degree Award
Awarded the Cross of San Raimundo de Peñafort for merit in the legal study